domingo, marzo 01, 2009

Clase de español

Future Spanish-speakers doing their thing!

Poetry Slam

Poetry Slam

Cooking quesadillas (las más ricas)

Teaching kindergarteners how to add and subtract in Spanish.

Art + Math Integration

Artists are teaming up with mathematicians to make learning even more fun. Here are some of the art lessons we are doing to learn math and get our hands dirty.

Leonardo learns circumference by making a coil pot.

Visual proof that the human face is not symmetrical. Yikes!

Micaela and Gerardo's portraits.

Learning fractions through tiles grids.

Ski Team Expansion

Thanks to the Minnesota Youth Ski League, Achieve Minneapolis and Elm Creek Park Reserve, 45 kids got to try cross country skiing for the first time!


Oct. 31st and no costume? We made disfraces from scratch and had a photo shoot. Thanks, Kathryn!